Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Blizzard! February 2, 2011

 It is 52 miles from my hospital to my home. I made it 51.
I was so disappointed when I realized I had forgotten my camera to capture this fun. Shockingly, neither Andrew nor the tow-truck driver was willing to wait for me to run home and grab it, so the cell phone camera will have to suffice, though it really didn't do the situation justice. The car remained half in the road, so the plows had piled snow all up behind it. Battery dead, engine caked with snow. The police tried to reach me but couldn't, the tow trucks wouldn't leave the state highways, and I couldn't find anyone with a snowmobile. Thankful for the nice couple in their big truck who decided to head out at 9:30 at night to just, "Go for a drive." We then got stuck in the ditch in their truck about 50 yards from my car, but persistence paid off and finally the truck won the battle and found the road again. I had to walk to my house down our long driveway, but I don't think I've ever been so happy to be home. The Volvo is recovering in the garage with a torpedo heater and a battery charger, and 16 ounces of breast milk are safely nestled in the fridge.